The Microsoft Dynamics CRM customization interface has come a very long ways since its inception, but creating a lot of fields is still a very manual and time consuming process. Celedon Partners has created a simple utility that will create new fields in Microsoft Dynamics CRM reading in the metadata from an Excel file.
This utility supports:
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and 2013, on-premise, on-line and Office 365.
- System and custom entities.
- All field types except lookups.
Hopefully this utility will be helpful, but we know it will not do everything. A few things are not supported (yet):
- Min / max values or string lengths (default to 200)
- Option set values
- I am sure there are other limitations as well, but those are the ones we know about
If you find things that you would like features or find issues, please let us know!
Download Celedon Partner’s Dynamics CRM Field Tool
We are releasing this under as Open Source under the Microsoft Public License. You can read the details of that here. This software is provided “AS IS” with no warranties and confers no rights.
Worked excellently and saved me a whole afternoon of entering ~200 fields. Only one thing to note:
When accessing a European online instance with a URL of, select On Premise mode and enter the URL as
Thanks again for the great tool.
A very interesting solution but works only with 1033 language, that’s it ?
It is a limitation of the current version. It is only defaulted to a single language code. The next release will have multiple language support.
Why do I keep getting the error “authentication failure” or “access denied” ?
Are you using on-line or on-premise instance?
Im using online, I really want to get this tool going
There are two possible reasons. Verify your URL is correct for the online instance. For example, North American is You can find a list of the appropriate URLs . Don’t include the ‘/XRMServices/2011/Discovery.svc’ part of the URL. The other possibility is that your instance is an part of a 365 subscription. I would try the Office 365 connection option as well.