by Vatsana Kongtakane | Sep 30, 2016 | Azure, Blog, Microsoft SQL Server
In our last post – SQL Server Availability Groups in a Workgroup Failover Cluster inside Microsoft Azure, we created a domain-less Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 5 Failover Cluster with SQL Server AlwaysOn Availabilty Groups. For anyone that has had to…
by William Jacobson | Sep 28, 2016 | Blog, Featured, Microsoft Dynamics
I recently had an issue with updating a crm solution, where the error was that one of the workflows had a bad reference. Confusion set in when I saw that there was no workflow with that name in the CRM organization. An advanced find later, I discovered that the…
by Vatsana Kongtakane | Sep 14, 2016 | Azure, Blog, Microsoft SQL Server
With Windows Server 2016 just around the corner, one of the the new features is support for Windows Failover Cluster inside a Workgroup. In this blog post today, we will show you how to setup Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview with SQL Server 2014 AlwaysOn…
by Vatsana Kongtakane | Sep 9, 2016 | Azure, Blog
If you were an early adopter of Microsoft Azure’s cloud computing infrastructure, you are probably well aware that Microsoft is no longer updating their “classic” Azure Service Manager (ASM) portal. While Microsoft is working on tools to migrate from ASM to ARM; there…
by Meredith Salget | Sep 6, 2016 | Blog
Last month, I had the pleasure of presenting as part of the Girlforce Skillshare about Salesforce Formulas along with my colleague, Beth Howard, and some other rad women in the Salesforce scene. I focused my presentation on Salesforce URL hacking using pv0. In this…